Securing Your Endpoint and Identity in Windows 10 - PenTestMag course

Course is self-paced, pre-recorded
18 hours (18 CPE points, certificate of completion)

With new advancements in technology, cloud and mobility, the old security methods are gone. Network firewalls and security perimeters are not sufficient today, especially with users working anywhere on any device. Endpoint protection becomes very critical with how it can protect against modern threats and attacks.

This course will cover the latest tools provided by Microsoft Windows 10 1709 version, which is a complete revamp to earlier protection mechanisms. You will get to understand the Exploit Guard defender suite, ATP, ATA and many more new technologies that better help you protect your data and, more importantly, your identity.

What will you learn?

Students will learn what is currently offered out of the box for Windows 10 1709 Enterprise users, Defender AV, Windows firewall and how to configure it and efficiently use it as a native firewall option for Windows users.

  • Encryption and identity protection.
  • How to configure Exploit Guard (Windows new Host based intrusion Prevention Tool) for standalone or Enterprise users with all its new tools, such as ASR, Memory mitigation, Ransomware protection.
  • How to get the most out of your system monitoring and logging.

Who will benefit from this course?

  1. Consumer/Desktop Security Admins
  2. Information Security Administrators
  3. AD/System Administrators
  4. Windows Support Team/Helpdesk
  5. Network administrators

Benefits of finishing this course:

  1. Harden and secure your Windows endpoint with a few clicks using simple GUI interface, instead of complicated code and 3rd party tools.
  2. Utilizing out-of-the-box security features and tools available in the latest version of Windows, which can save you a lot of money and effort invested in different 3rd party tools, like the AV, Host IPS, etc. Since its all available in Windows 10 1709 and offers a very competitive solution - you already paid for those features, why not use them?
  3. Use one, simple, integrated platform of apps that will make support and compatibility easier, instead of multi-vendor tools, which may conflict with each other and the OS.

What will you need?

  • Windows 10 1709 (Fully patched and updated) – Preferred Professional or Enterprise edition
  • Hyper-V installed on the Windows 10 box (Will be demoed in the course) and  machines created (Domain controller and Windows client 1709)

What should you know before you join?

  • Basic Windows 10 knowledge, network basis (TCP/IP) and Security fundamentals (AV, Firewalls, Security permissions, NTFS permissions….etc.)

Your instructor: 

Mr. Ahmed Nabil has more than 15 years of experience in the field of Information Technology/Systems, Infrastructure, Systems Administration, Security Systems, IT management and holds several professional IT certifications from Microsoft, Cisco, ISACA, ISC2, PMI, CWNP and EC- Council. Ahmed is an industry expert in Security and Infrastructure services, public speaker at several international conferences and author of several articles published in different international security magazines.

Ahmed Nabil graduated in 2000 with a BS in Electrical and Control Engineering. He completed his graduate education and earned MSc in Business Information Technology from School of Computer Science, Middlesex University, UK in 2007 and Master of Business Administration (MBA) from International Business School of Scandinavia in 2016.

Ahmed is currently the IS&T Manager and Information Security Manager (CISO) at one of the top engineering consulting firms in the region.

Ahmed was awarded the Microsoft Most Valuable Professional Award in Enterprise security/Cloud and Data Center Management for 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 and 2017.

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Introduction – Microsoft Security overview for endpoint clients

Security in all phases including pre-breach, post breach, offline protection, operational protection


    • On-premise/Offline Protection
    • Cloud/Online Protection

Module 2  

What is new in Windows 10 1709 in general and specifically from security perspective.

Utilizing the free Virtualization platform available in Windows 10 (Hyper-V).


  • What is new in Windows 10 1709 Security?
  • Hyper-V setup (Preparing for next modules)
  • Quiz/Homework
    • Installing Hyper-V and building Windows 10 image
    • Module questions

Module 3

Windows 10 Identities (Accounts)

Understanding different types of accounts and methods of protection (local account vs domain account vs privileged accounts)


  • Microsoft Accounts
  • Different type of accounts
  • Pass the Hash
  • Network/Domain account protection – Credential Guard
  • Guest/Local account Protection – LAPS tool and Group policy settings
  • Network/Domain account protection – Credential Guard
  • Quiz/Exercises
    • Further Reading and setup in your Virtual Environment of Remote Credential Guard
    • Module Questions – Test your knowledge

Module 4

Windows Defender Suite and Edge Security

Microsoft new revamped Defender suite – Microsoft Host intrusion Prevention System – First layer of defense built natively to the OS


  • Edge Application Guard
  • Exploit Protection Settings
  • Conditional Folder Access
  • Attack Surface Reduction
  • Windows ATP (Advanced Threat Protection)
  • Quiz/Exercises
    • Build Group Policy targeting only Windows 10 1709 on your own
    • Applying Defender policies targeting only Windows 10 1709
    • Module Questions

Module 5 

Windows Firewall and advanced Security

Another tool available natively in the system and works efficiently on Microsoft OS is the firewall. Nowadays it is a must that each system has firewall applied with at least main basic rules


  • Basics and Fundamentals
  • Configuration
  • Using Group Policies
  • Quiz/Exercises
    • Group policy build, test, in your lab with few requirements and exercises implemented by your own.
    • Module questions

Module 6 

Continuous Improvement

Patching is very crucial to ensure your OS is fully updated and patched with the latest security updates – patching your system regularly with continuous monitoring can mitigate more than 80% of the attacks and threats


  • Windows Updates – Patching your system
  • Windows Monitoring – Task Manager and Performance Monitoring
  • Windows 10 Privacy, what you need to reveal and what you can block. What does Windows knows by default on you?
  • Quiz/Exercises
    • Installing WSUS
    • Targeting Windows 10 1709 and how to approve specific updates
    • Module Questions

Course format: 

  • The course is self-paced – you can visit the training whenever you want and your content will be there.
  • Once you’re in, you keep access forever, even when you finish the course.
  • There are no deadlines, except for the ones you set for yourself.
  • We designed the course so that a diligent student will need about 18 hours of work to complete the training.
  • Your time will be filled with reading, videos, and exercises. 

Questions? Reach out to us at 

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