Honeypot technology holds significant importance in today's technology-driven world, serving as a crucial tool for safeguarding networks and monitoring evolving threat trends. Frequently, it is employed to safeguard production systems by identifying and diverting unauthorized intrusion attempts. Indeed, a honeypot serves as an early warning system, proving highly valuable for the examination of attacker behavior, especially in cases of unfamiliar attacks. Thanks to its distinctive design and application capabilities, it can effectively mitigate the deficiencies of other established security methods. A honeypot has no legitimate function within a system. Instead, it remains inactive and masquerades as a vulnerable service, enticing potential attackers.
How To Establish a Honeypot on Your Network - Step by Step (comparitech.com)
Firewall and Intrusion Detection System: Honeypots | PDF (scribd.com)
In order to elucidate the disparities among honeypots, firewalls, and intrusion detection systems and acquire a more comprehensive comprehension of their variances, let us scrutinize their distinctions. A firewall is a blend of both hardware and software components designed to segregate trusted networks from untrusted networks. It can be conceptualized as a dual-function system: one component designed to restrict traffic, while the other is meant to allow traffic. Essentially, multiple firewalls can be strategically positioned within the managed network to collaboratively provide comprehensive and....