Red + Blue = Purple - 2Pack - Pentestmag
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Red + Blue = Purple - 2Pack


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Dear PenTest Readers,

Red and Blue Teams’ operations are undoubtedly the pillars of cybersecurity. What’s more, a new methodology with a mixed approach - Purple Teaming - helps improve the output from both sides, identifies the gaps, and maximizes their results. No matter if you want to enhance the efficiency of your company team, or you are focused on CTF competition trainings, a solid knowledge is a must have for every good pentester. 

We created this bundle in response to popularity of the two issues dedicated to the above-mentioned topics. Inside you will find a thorough depiction of security seen in 3 colors: red, blue, and purple.

Some of the covered topics are:

  • Red Team C2 and Blue Team Detection
  • The Purple Team Playground
  • Red Team Scenario: Delivering a Trigger-able Outlook Malware via Macros
  • Purple Team Tactics and Threat Intelligence

This pack includes:

Red Team/Blue Team: Scenarios, Tutorials, and Case Studies - whole issue

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Purple Teaming - whole issue

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Please note that this product is not available in the downloads section, as every one of our subscribers already has a full access to the issues which are parts of the bundle.


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