Workshop’s eBook: Penetration Testing Using "The Kill Chain" Methodology - Pentestmag
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Workshop’s eBook: Penetration Testing Using "The Kill Chain" Methodology


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Preview: Workshop’s eBook: Penetration Testing Using

Dear PenTest Readers,

We would like to proudly present you the newest PenTest workshop issue. We hope that you will learn interesting techniques and tools from this e-book.

In this e-book you will find materials presented in the course “Penetration Testing using the Kill Chain methodology”. You will learn how to perform a penetration test step by step using above methodology. It’s a 90% hands-on material.

Note: Some of the materials, like videos or particular exercises, are not presented in this issue. If you would like to gain access to all the materials, you have to buy a course.

Table of contents

Module 0 -Pre-course materials

Module 1 – Information Gathering – Passive Reconnaissance

Topic 1:

Topic 2: Linux commands

Topic 3: Social Engineering ToolKit

Module 2 – Vulnerability Analysis

Topic 1: OpenVas

Topic 2: Nikto

Topic 3: W3af

Topic 4: Exploit­

Module 3 – Scanners – Active scanning

Topic 1: Nmap

Topic 2: Zenmap

Topic 3: Advanced MitM Framework

Module 4 – Vulnerability Exploits And Test Analysis

Topic 1: Veil-­Evasion

Topic 2: The Metasploit Framework

Topic 3: And More …

Visit the original course:

Taking part in the course will get you:

  • More material;
  • Instructor's guidance;
  • Exercises and challenges;
  • Open discussion with other students;
  • Certificate of Completion.



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