RAT: Trojan Access Remote - Pentestmag

RAT: Trojan Access Remote

Feb 24, 2023

by Rausson Gouveia

Hello everyone, I'm here to talk a little bit about a type of tool used in cyberattacks, called the Remote Access RAT Trojan, a tool used by virtually all hackers. But what would a RAT be? A RAT is a malicious program that remotely accesses devices, such as cell phones, computers and systems, used for downloading, uploading files, terminal access, data theft, file encryption, etc.

The use of RATs has intensified since the start of the pandemic. With an increasing number of transactions taking place via cell phone, cybercriminals are using malware to intercept security information and commit banking crimes. In 2021, Kaspersky Lab discovered the third family of Brazilian RATs focused on taking possession of smartphones, and claims that the practice is rapidly internationalizing.

Okay, now that you know what a Remote Access Trojan is, how about starting to create ours? Open the IDE of your choice and follow the steps:

Let's start by importing our Python packages.

Use local address and port 666 if the server is terminated and restarted.

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March 13, 2023


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