The Role of Secure Access Service Edge in Cybersecurity - Pentestmag

The Role of Secure Access Service Edge in Cybersecurity

Feb 25, 2023


SASE (Secure Access Service Edge) is a comprehensive solution that aims to improve the security of an organization's network by providing centralized and cloud-based security services. This solution streamlines access to resources and enhances the security of the network edge. SASE is important because it helps organizations cope with the challenges posed by the increasing complexity of a cloud-forward system that relies on a distributed workforce and SaaS services. The future of cloud security lies in SASE, which promises to provide organizations with a comprehensive and secure solution to manage their network security needs.

What is SASE?

Secure Access Service Edge (SASE) is a cutting-edge technology designed to provide enhanced network security, performance, and simplicity to organizations. The term was first introduced by the well-known research and advisory company, Gartner. SASE aims to address the increasing need for secure and streamlined network access in the face of digital transformation, edge computing, and remote work. With SASE, organizations can benefit from a flexible and scalable network that connects employees and offices across the world, regardless of their location and device. This way, organizations can keep pace with the changing needs of their digital business operations.

SASE merges Wide Area Network (WAN) capabilities and cloud-based network security services, including zero-trust network access, secure web gateways, cloud access security brokers, and firewalls-as-a-service (FWaaS). This combination offers organizations a single service provider solution to their network and security needs, reducing the....

March 14, 2023


Enoch Anbu Arasu
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