Unlocking the Power: Python for Windows API - Pentestmag

Unlocking the Power: Python for Windows API

Jul 17, 2023

If you are eager to explore the possibilities of interacting with the Windows API using Python, then you are in the right place. This article may be your gateway to unlocking the potential of invoking Windows API functions using Python.

According to official Python documentation, ctypes is a foreign function library for Python. It provides C-compatible data types and is helpful for calling functions that are present in DLLs (Dynamic-link library) or shared libraries. In short, a foreign function library provides the ability for a developer using a program written in one programming language to invoke functions written in another programming language. This Fundamental data types table contains Python data types and their associated ctypes types.

How do I know DLL (Dynamic Link Library) methods?

To know the methods that exist in the library, we can use the Microsoft Documentation. In some cases, we're not fortunate enough to have documentation; in those cases, DLL Export Viewer and Dependency Walker may come to the rescue. Throughout the article, we will refer to the relevant sections of the Microsoft documentation for the Windows API.

Let us see how to use ctypes to call the functions below:

July 17, 2023


Sachin Wagh
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